Race Around Austria е ultra-bike състезание с приключенски характер, в което участниците трябва да изминат разстоянието от 2200 километра и 30 000 метра положителна денивелация. На-най емоционалното състезание по колоездене в Австрия германката Лиза Брьомел от Team Cycle Cafe се състезава с DRAG Bicycles. Тя избра Celerra & Stallion, за да участва в може би най-трудното състезание за колоездачи на дълги разстояния в Европа.

Лиза сподели впечатленията си след състезанието:

“Race around Austria 2021! 3 days 6 hours 36 minutes. I was able to spend so much, yet so little time with great people on our 2.200 km journey with 30.000 meters of altitude around Austria. Thank you Alexander Lepuschitz for allowing me to participate in my first race with you. In addition, a big thank you Anna Bachmann, Armando, Johannes, René Gschwend and Kilian for the great support. A long report with photos, additional numbers (e.g. used calories and how I used them relatively unconventional, etc), some anecdotes (various traffic lights-related fast escalations,..), etc. will follow in the next few days! My thousand times thanks again to you, Holger Röthig / Cycle Café Velbert Ruhr for your support regarding my two bikes from DRAG Bicycles and for being able to ′′bother′′ you anytime during the race 😉 ….Thank you Lezyne / Lezyne Olaf Gerhardt for the lighting, which only allowed me to cycle at night and brought me safely around Austria during the day. Thank you Johannes Kofler / Team Arlberg for the bike repair – local help 🙂Also, thanks to all of you who crossed our fingers from afar, followed our race and sent us motivational messages 😊.“

Race Around Austria Cycle-Cafe SQlab Profile Design #racearoundaustria #DRAGBicycles #cyclecafe #ultracycling